Happy Birthday!

It's our birthday! Today we are officially one year old. This time last year my notice was handed into my old job and our new lives began. We'd been preparing for a couple of months; getting the website ready, making a business plan, joining NARPS (association of pet sitters), completing training and loads more but now was finally the time to begin for real.
There was a mix of nervous excitement in our house. We were excited because we knew we were ready and that we were going to do it properly. We were nervous because, no matter how amazing our website and van looked or how prepared we felt, we couldn't control whether or not we actually got any clients. And we were hopeful. Hopeful that everything would work out ok.
I'll never forget taking that first phone call from someone wanting their dog walking by us. We stood on the landing and jumped up and down with excitement- we had our first client, it was really happening! Even now, a year on, it's still exciting when someone new rings us and we get to go and meet a new furry friend.
When we look back, the year has gone incredibly quickly and has surpassed our wildest dreams. We have been incredibly lucky to meet some amazing owners and even more wonderful dogs. As well as dogs we've looked after rabbits, cats, guinea pigs and even terrapins. There have been times when we've been so busy we've had to work 7 days a week or get up at 6am to do early morning visits but there hasn't been one occasion where we have regretted the decision we made just over a year ago. There's even been a few times where we've had to turn people down. Something we hate doing, but is happening more often as we get busier (tip: if you want us-book early!)
We have plans to improve over the next year but we want to carry on being as flexible as we can and send home as many dogs as we can who are absolutely worn out after a great walk from us!