Airtours Collaboration
We recently collaborated with Airtours and a few other pet sitting companies to produce an advice document for people to use before...

Home Boarding Advice and FAQs
When deciding where your pet is going to stay when you’re going on holiday you have two main decisions to make; what kind of place do you...

Happy Birthday!
It's our birthday! Today we are officially one year old. This time last year my notice was handed into my old job and our new lives...

Life after Spike
It's been a few weeks now since we said goodbye to Spike and I have to be honest, the house just isn't the same without him. Even though...

A Faithful Friend
We had a phone call this morning confirming what we were expecting to hear. Spike, our 12 year old Labrador, has cancer. It's in his back...

It's a puzzle
It's a long time since I've written a blog. Mostly because I've been so busy and partly because there's only so many times I can talk...

Dinner time!
Having owned a Labrador for the last 11 years a disturbing new phenomenon has occurred in this house over the last few months- dogs who...

Everything Changes
The other afternoon as we stood hovering and mopping our floors for the third time that day I began to reflect on how life has changed...

Spike's Blog
I thought it was about time I had a go at this blogging malarkey since we got Lola's thoughts on it all a few weeks ago. So I'm going to...

Blogs for Dogs
I haven't written a blog for a while for the simple fact life has been too busy. I'm not complaining- busy is good but it does make it...